Customer match is one of Google AdWords targeting tool, where advertisers can upload a list of email address, phone numbers, Zip code, country or even names of the targeted customers. Advertisers can use these lists to different ad formats like Search, Gmail or YouTube to create customized experiences based on the user’s attributes. Google has certain stipulations to permit the usage of customer match in its ads. Here is a brief study about the Customer Match Ads of Google Ads.
They are super easy to set up from your google ads account. The set up details are as follows;
- Login to your ad words accounts and click tools on the top-right
- Select Audience manager from shared library
3. Go to Audience Lists on the left and click + icon to add audience lists. To add customer data, select customer lists from the drop down menu.
4. There will be an option to choose different data to upload like email address, phone numbers, country, Zip code.
5. For example, to upload email address, which most advertisers prefer, you can select email option and upload your .csv data file. Note the file should have a column with “email” at the first row and followed by your email addresses.
Account eligibility for customer match set up
Google have policies and eligibility criteria for setting up your customer match. They are
- Your account should have lifetime spend of $50k
- The uploaded file should have minimum of 1000 customers’ data i.e. if you upload email addresses, there should not be less than 1000 email addresses
- A good history of policy compliance
- A good payment history
- At least 90 days presence in Google Ads
Google sometime send application process form when you become eligible for using customer match.