How to Recommend Your Facebook Business Page to Your Friends? Invite Your Friends to Like Your Business Page Now.

Do you administer of any Facebook Pages? Then you have the ability to recommend your administered Facebook Pages to your friends!

We’ve been asked how to do this many times.  I’ve decided to make a proper set of instructions and refer to this when I am next asked.

How to invite friends to your Facebook Page

1. Login to your Facebook Personal Page.
2. On left side list you’ll find the Your Business Page in PAGES AND ADS panel
3. Click on Your Business Page, than your Business Facebook Page will open as your Personal Profile Page.
4. Than in admin panel, Click on Build Audience
5. In Build Audience bar, Click on Invite Friends..
6. Than new window will open, Click on Recent Interaction bar
7. Select your friends and Click on Submit button.

That’s it! You have successfully recommended Facebook Pages you administer to your friends!

Please read the following if you don’t see ‘Invite Friends’.

Not having ‘Invite Friends’ tells us that you are viewing your Page as the Page itself and not as your own personal Profile.
Pages do not have friends; therefore ‘Invite Friends’ is not available when viewing the Page as the Page itself.
Personal Profiles do have friends, and ‘Invite Friends’ does become an option when viewing your Page as your own personal Profile.

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Compiled by Amit Giri, Sr. Research Analyst, Social Media/DART Consulting.  He can be reached at