Do Follow blogs are known as friends of SEO marketers. If you are making your blog Do Follow then there are chances that lot of marketers fall in love with you. Ultimately, it helps you lot of free traffic and more commentators participate in your discussion. Make a blog no follow is as good as not publishing it. Here are some tips to make your blog Do Follow and the test to identify if a blog is Do Follow or not;
What are the Steps to Make a Blog Dofollow?
Here’s the process to make a blog Dofollow
• Login to blogger
• Go to Layout
• Edit html
• Expand template, but save a copy of it by downloading before making any change.
• Now find expr:href=’data:comment.authorUrl ‘ rel=’nofollow’ in the template and delete the attribute ‘rel=nofollow’ and your comment page will become ‘dofollow’.
• If you want to make the URL trackback a ‘do follow’ then a look for this code expr:href=’data:backlink.url’ rel=’nofollow’ in your template and delete ‘rel=nofollow’ attribute.
How to Find/Confirm the Blog as Dofollow?
• Searchstatus is a toolbar extension for Firefox that allows that how a webpage is performing. It gives the info about google PR, Alexa and compete rating and backlinks etc.
• You can get an add-on for Firefox called ‘NoDoFollow’ and basically it highlights all links and the red ones are NoDoFollow and the blue ones are DoFollow.
• Just check the previously made comment links, if the links appear in blue or light violet whatever you call it then it means its a do-follow blog and if the links appear in red color then it means its a no-follow blog.
• Search for blogs with plugins, ‘CommentLuv’, ‘U Comment I Follow’, ‘Top Commentator’ installed.
• Search blogs through do follow search engines, Comment Hunt, EZ Business and Do follow Diver etc.
The blogs with Dofollow kinds of settings will provide automatic backlink from each link through the comments left by visitors. If the comment is removed by the blog owner then the backlink will not happen.