The best way to get a Twitter highly ranked is as simple – more your account is engaged, more your page rank as for SERPs. Your username is also very important and need to pick a username that is targeted at your niche. For instance, if you are promoting your Social Media services and want to drive traffic to your site, you can choose something like Social media master, Social media guru, Social media services, etc. Your username will show in searches and this is why you must pay attention to what you choose. The following points are very important while promoting twitter pages;
• Make your Twitter profile interesting
• Pick a niche-targeted username
• Tweet regularly
• Put your site/blog URL in your profile
• Search for Twitter users with similar interests
• Socialize on Twitter as much as you can
• Add Twitter gadgets to your site
Twitter Traffic: Best Times & Headlines
Generally, it is believed that certain times of the day are best for getting traffic from twitter as well as specific headlines (article titles). Studies have shown that the following are the better times to tweet.
• 12 midnight – 4am PST: 6, all between 12 midnight and 2am = 3 per hour
• 4am – 8am PST: none
• 8am – 12 noon PST: 8, all 10am – 12 noon = 4 per hour
• 12 noon – 4pm PST: 11, 9 between 1:30 – 3pm = 6 per hour
• 4pm – 8pm PST: 9, evenly spread = 2.25 per hour
• 8pm – 12 midnight PST: 3 = 0.75 per hour
Common Characteristics of most-clicked headlines/Tweets
• Top 10 Tweets – 4 questions (4 opening questions)
• Top 11-20 Tweets – 2 questions (1 opening question)
• Top 21- 30 Tweets – 3 questions (1 opening question)
70% of the most-clicked Tweets are statements, but 4 of the 4 questions in the top 10 were opening questions. The most common words in top-30 most-clicked Tweets: “how to…, best, most, worst, great”. If you include a question, using it to begin the Tweet will increase click-through.
Twitter for Good “Link-building”
Since there is a pre-existing relationship with followers if you put your link on your status, your followers would click on that. Your message should be unique, interesting and with shortened url to make it more attractive to increase click through rate
Re-tweets: Why it is Important?
A retweet is a re-posting of someone else’s Tweet. Twitter’s re-tweet feature helps quickly share that Tweet with all followers. If you re-tweet someone’s tweet, that person gets directly informed, and this re-tweet will go to that person’s wall also in behalf of your profile. So benefit is now with this way you are increasing the viewers of your tweet.
Some other points to be considered:
• Your followers may un-follow if you send out a Tweet/logo/brand that they don’t recognize (or like/agree with
• You can’t edit the re-tweets before they are sent out
How to Re-Tweet?
• Copy and paste the message and name of person sending it to you.
• Precede it by “RT @” [type “RT”, then a space, then a @. It’s important that the @ and the name NOT have a space between them] – it should start out like this: “RT @Username ”
• Your logo goes out with the Tweet to your followers, not that of the profile being ReTweeted. Your followers are accustomed to seeing your Tweets and logo, not those of profiles they most likely are not following. Even if they are not interested in the content of the Tweet, they are still likely to continue to follow you if it is your logo.
• You can customize or edit the Tweets.
Twitter is one of the popular social media platforms besides Facebook. In the next coming years, Twitter would be rolling out new features that will engage and build your presence like you have never seen before.